Cover: Detail from EROTICION “O” modified off of Marlon Darbeau’s Eroticon Work by Tanya Williams. Contributors: DESIGNER EDITOR Richard Rawlins, WRITERS Indra Ramcharan, Darryn Boodan, Richard Mark Rawlins, Rea McNamara PHOTOGRAPHY Rodell Warner, and Richard Mark Rawlins
Erotic Art week is a unique annual art festival that was conceived by a collective of visual, graphic and performing artists living in Trinidad & Tobago. 2010 was its second year of the Caribbean’s rst Erotic Art Week which ran under the theme “Wider”, expanding on last year’s theme “Open”. The committee is Choreographer, Dave Williams Artist Christian Alexis; Architect Terry Smith; Photographer Rodell Warner; Writer Darryn Boodan; and Designers Richard Rawlins and Marlon Darbeau. This 14th issue of Draconian Switch captures some of those moments…